ULTRA FOCUS (Chlorantraniliprole 9.3 + Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6 ZC)

Mode Of Action

It is Systemic and Contact action

Chlorantraniliprole : Acts on the insect’s muscles, causing paralysis and ultimately death.

Lambda-cyhalothrin : Disrupts the nervous system of insects, leading to paralysis and death.

CROP Common name of the Pest Dosage/acre (ml)
Brinjal Shoot and fruit borer, Jassids 80
Chilli Thrips, Mites & Fruit borer 250
Cotton Bollworm 100
Okra Shoot and fruit borer, Jassids 80
Pigeon Pea Pod Borer 80
Rice Stem borer, leaf folder, green leafhopper 80-100
Soybean Leaf worm, Girdle beetle, Semilooper, Stem fly. 80