PESTRONIL ULTRA (Fipronil 0.6% GR)

It is a fipronil based phenyl pyrazole insecticide, controls the insects by its contact, stomach and systemic action. Primarily acts as an ingestion.

Mode Of Action

It acts on targeted insects by contact or ingestion action. Fipronil blocks (y-Aminobutyric acid) GABAA- gated chloride channels in the central nervous system, which prevents the chloride ions update resulting in excess neuronal stimulation and death of the target insect.

Direction Of Use

Mix Tepronil ultra @ 4 Kg/Acre with sand or fertilizer and Broadcast uniformly. Standing water of 2-3 cm depth should be available in the field, keep water impounded for 2-3 days after application.

CROP Common name of the Pest Dosage/acre (kg)
Rice(Paddy) Stem borer & Leaf folder 4.0