Field Farmer Meeting

We conduct Farmer meetings for collection of farmer’s needs and challenges faced by farmers to propose appropriate solutions with our product recommendation and also, we train the farmers about the new technology and promote farmer to farmer learning. 1st we analyse the farmers, major interests and resources then we will make sure to covers the farmer’s interests and we will show a genuine interest in the farmer’s concerns. We will seek for the progressive farmer to give valuable knowledge and experience. we also visuals to explain points which is necessary for their crop growth along with that we provide technical knowledge through flipcharts or product literature that cab be understand b the farmers easily.


Village Level Meetings

These farmer meetings will be conducted on village level. The local authorities such as Sarpanch, Police officers and Key farmers, who are loyal customers of company, will be invited as Chief guests. A minimum of 50 to 80 farmers will attend.

Crop work shop

Generally, crop workshops are conducted in areas, where major crop is only one. The meeting will be based on that particular crop only. Generally, University Scientists will attend the meeting to explain about the products that are good for the particular crop. There will be a display of products in the meeting. Interested farmers can spot book the product.

Mega Farmer Meetings

These are well planned and arranged meetings with participation of progressive farmers The farmers will be attend around 80 to 200.and felicitated to some innovative and successful farmers The meeting will be of two types

Field Level Meetings

Field meetings can be conducted at Demo plots as well as at commercial plots, where the customer himself purchased the product, used and attained best results. This is the best way of product promotion in villages. Nearby farmers are invited to show the best results of the product and explanation will be given about the products.

Promotion of Organic farming

To promote the organic farming, the company will take the help of Dealers. The activity includes, encouraging the farmers to adopt organic farming and description of products .

Project Shows

This includes showing the company videos and product demo videos and other farmer feedback videos to farmers in villages. Generally, these programs are conducted in evening time at the schools and road junctions. There will be distribution of product promotion material to attended people.